ExpoCosmetica (Cosmetics , Aesthetics, Nails and Hair Fair)

Apr 5 - 7, Porto, Portugal

ABS (America’s Beauty Show)

Apr 5 - 7, Rosemont, IL


Apr 8 - 9, Frauenkirchen, Austria (Medical Wellness Congress)


April 8 - 10, Amsterdam, Netherlands (Personal care ingredients)

For Beauty Expo

Apr 11 - 12, Prague, Czech Republic (Fair for Cosmetics, Hairdressing, Nail Design and Foot Care)


Apr 11 - 13, São Paulo, Brazil (Dermatology & Plastic Surgery)

Dubai Derma

April 14 - 16, Dubai, UAE (World Dermatology & Laser Conference & Exhibition)

Guangzhou International Personal Care Expo

April 15 - 17, Guangzhou, China


Apr 21 - 23, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (International trade fair for the beauty industry)

BAAS Congress

Apr 24 - 26, Buenos Aires, Argentina (Beauty Antiaging & Aesthetics Sessions)


Apr 27 - 28, Scottsdale, AZ (Data Driven Salon Summit)